Can I get a heck yeah!! The bite in our near coastal waters of the Space Coast has been very good again over the past week. Tripletail action has been really good around the Sebastian and Canaveral inlets. Live shrimp rigged in a variety of ways will get these fish to strike. When they are near the surface free swimming or on floating debris I like to rig my shrimp with just a 2/0 circle hook. This provides for a very natural looking presentation and the shrimp can swim and move naturally in the water. The Tripletail will usually see the shrimp swimming and move on for the kill. When they are holding deeper in the water on buoys or wrecks I like to either add a split shot or rig my shrimp on a 1/16 to 1/4 once Saltwater Assassin jig head depending on the amount of current I have that day.
Black drum, Spinner Shark, Blacktip Shark, Fine Tooth Shark and Bluefish are some of the other species that we have been able to pull on during our recent charter trips. If you’re interested in getting on the water to catch any of these species give us a call at 321-636-3728 or book your trip with Captain Justin or myself directly online on our website at www.finelinefishingcharters.