Guess what guys and gals?
It’s that time of the year!!
Our fall snook season is about to open on September 1st, and the bite has been pretty good so far during the July and August summer closed spawning season this year. We are seeing a lot of slot and over-slot sized snook around the Canaveral area right now. Captain Justin and I have been catching 5 to 10-pound class crevalle Jack, 30 to 40-inch redfish, some flounder, and an occasional shark while targeting the snook over the past week and a half as well.
The Fall mullet run will begin in a few weeks, normally right around the time of the new moon cycle. Make sure you don’t miss out on the great fall fishing action that is about to occur from now through the middle of October. Captain Justin and I currently have a few available dates for snook trips. We would like to offer our customers a special rate to fish for this species. This discount applies to all SNOOK trips that are booked before September 1st with either of us. Save $50 off one 5-hour near-coastal snook trip, and $125.00 off two near coastal snook trips run at Port Canaveral. These trips must be reserved for the dates from September 1st through September 19th for this discount to apply.
We are looking forward to getting you out to catch your next memory!!