It’s Tarpon Time! Hello, Everyone!
We are into the heart of the tarpon season here along the Space Coast, and the silver kings are showing up in our lagoons and along the near-coastal waters a little later this year compared to the last few. We’ve had good numbers of juvenile and teenage fish ranging from 40 to 80-pounds at the beginning of this run, and now some of the bigger fish are beginning to show up.
This is good news for those of you who have been calling us about when is the best time to catch one of these magnificent fish, but have not pulled the trigger on a date to go out yet.
I ‘m expecting the main portion of the tarpon run to happen in July and August this year instead of June and July like it normally occurs. So, if you’ve ever wanted to try to catch a tarpon now is the time to get a date locked in.

Captain Justin and I have quite a few days to choose from in July and August, so we should be able to accommodate anyone that is ready to go pull on a silver king. Since the tarpon are showing up later than normal this year, we recommend that you book the 6-hour tarpon excursion so that we can get out, pull on a few fish, and get back to the dock before the afternoon thunder showers start.
If you have any questions about a tarpon excursion, please give Justin or I a call to answer any questions. Captain Justin will be running all of our weekend day charters. Both of us are available on weekdays.
We look forward to getting you out to battle one of these incredible silver kings this summer, and hope to hear from you soon.
Let’s Catch Your Next Memory!
-Captain Jim Ross
www.finelinefishingcharters. com Fineline Fishing Charters-guided saltwater fishing charter service
www.catchamemoryoutdoors.com Host-Catch a Memory Outdoors radio show
www. floridainsiderfishingreport. com Central East region Captain- Florida Insider Fishing Report Television show
www.floridasportsman.com Central East region Captain-Florida Sportsman Magazine weekly fishing 4-cast and podcast contributor.