PORT CANAVERAL INSHORE- It’s time to start looking for big snook and tarpon along the beaches of the Space Coast this month. May is when the tarpon usually show up in better numbers in our waters, and the snook are already here, but this is the last month that you can keep a slot sized fish until they come back into season in September. Both of these species are top tier targets for anglers looking to play tug of war with a big fish. Book a 6 or 8-hour inshore trip for the snook, and you can also get tripletail, whiting, black drum, mangrove snapper, and redfish on these trips. Tarpon trips are also 6 or 8 hours long and you can also catch shark, king mackerel, giant jacks, and a host of other species.
INDIAN AND BANANA LAGOONS-Redfish and speckled trout are holding under mangrove roots along naturally vegetated shorelines throughout the Indian and Banana River Lagoon system this week. A variety of soft plastic lures like the Assassin Lil’ P&V rigged on a small jig head or weedless weighted worm hook have been working very well for me on my recent charters there. Live shrimp or fingerling mullet are top choices for these fish as well when they don’t want to chase a lure. Mangrove snapper and black drum are holding around many of the bridges in these lagoons as well. Some of the snapper are running into the 10 to14-inch range. Baby tarpon are starting to show up in many of the residential canals of Cocoa Beach and Satellite Beach this week.
Captain Justin and I have a few days open in May so give us a call, or book right on our secure reservation page today!
Let’s Catch Your Next Memory!
-Captain Jim Ross
www.finelinefishingcharters. com Fineline Fishing Charters-guided saltwater fishing charter service
www.catchamemoryoutdoors.com Host-Catch a Memory Outdoors radio show
www. floridainsiderfishingreport. com Central East region Captain- Florida Insider Fishing Report Television show
www.floridasportsman.com Central East region Captain-Florida Sportsman Magazine weekly fishing 4-cast and podcast contributor.