The last two months of the year are generally very good for catching large redfish and tripletail in the near-coastal waters. These fish can also be found inside our lagoons along with black drum, speckled trout, jack, snook, and other fun fighting fish. When a cold front is pushing through and the winds kick up, it can be more challenging to find these fish in a cooperative mood than on the calmer days after that front passes. Cooler temperatures at this time of the year make for wonderful adventures out on the water.

As I sit here waiting for Hurricane Nicole to come ashore on the Florida coast, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have such fantastic customers. It is so rewarding to get out and spend time with people that love to have a good time on the water like I do. Thank you all! You are such a blessing!

Every year people will ask “When do I need to be on the boat to catch some good fish”, and every year I say “during the fall time”. This year did not disappoint. We caught so many snook and redfish over the past two months, that I couldn’t even keep track of the numbers on some days. To top it all off, this fall time bite was on the heels of a phenomenal tarpon season in August and September. The near-coastal action has been so good that I have dreaded the days that I had to fish in the lagoons. The bite there was good most of the time, but compared to the beaches it was like comparing apples to oranges.

So it’s the time of year that I like to “reward” my customers with a special offer. The “Black Friday”, “Small Business Saturday”, or “cyber Monday” deal of the year if you will…. This year Justin and I want give everyone that books with us between now (Black Friday starts early) and November 28th- “Cyber Monday” a $75 discount on ALL of the trips that they want to book. These trips must be booked for next year between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 through our website. To receive the discount at the time of booking the trip please use the coupon code BFS2023. There is no limit to the number of trips that you can use this code for during the reward period.

Give these as birthday, anniversary, Mothers and Fathers day, Valentines day, or Christmas presents. Or just book a trip with us monthly and call it your “boat” payment, without the hassle of actually owning the boat!

But wait! There’s more!! LOL!!! As an additional “incentive”, anyone booking 10 or more outings (can be with Justin, myself, or a combination of trips with either of us) in 2023, we will add an additional discount of $25 to ALL of your bookings with us made with this limited time offer. This can save you up to $100 off the cost of your fishing excursion.

If you have a specific species that you would like to target or any other special requests, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to having each and every one of you back out on our boats with us this year. Let’s continue having more fun fishing adventures together.

Those are some great photos. That Tripletail that you and that lady are holding is impressive! That Flounder! Wow!