NORTH ORLANDO, DAYTONA ARE FISHING DAYTONA INSHORE-Sheepshead are hitting small crabs near the inlet jetties and many of the docks in the main portion of the river A few trout and black drum are possible here as well. Redfish are showing up in the back creeks and bays from Browns Bay to Bisset Bay. Look for them along the oysters shell beds in these area. Live shrimp or cut baits have been working best for these fish. EAST ORLANDO, COCOA BEACH AREA FISHING COCOA BEACH OFFSHORE-Trolling action for King mackerel is still a good bet on the 80 to 90-foot reefs. Slow trolling with live pogies, pilchards, or sardines can be very effective, but strip baits or lipped diving plugs shouldn't be over looked for their effectiveness as well. scattered cobia and tripletail can be found around floating debris in the 30 to 70-foot depths. ORLANDO COCOA BEACH INSHORE/FLATS-Live shrimp or cut baits are helping anglers land black drum in the 15 to 25-pound range and redfish in the 15-30 pound range on the deeper flats of the Indian and Mosquito Lagoons. Look for schools of fish pushing wakes or tailing in the 3 to 4-foot depths on calm days. Slot sized reds have been hugging tight to shorelines in all three lagoons. Weedless plastic lures or live shrimp seem to be the best way to sight fish for them. Cut or live fingerling mullet are the best way to passively fish for these little guys. Until next time....Catch a memory!!! Captain Jim Ross Fineline Fishing Charters